event-structure-theory |
0,22 |
ABS: event_system_typename()
STM: event system typename wf
ABS: EventsWithOrder
STM: EOrder wf
ABS: EventsWithState
STM: EState wf
STM: EState-subtype-EOrder
ABS: EventsWithKinds
STM: EKind wf
ABS: EventsWithValues
STM: EVal wf
ABS: ESAtomAxiom{i:l}(T;V)
ABS: ESMachineAxiom(E;T;V;M;loc;knd;val;when;after;sndr;Trans;Send;Choose)
STM: ESMachineAxiom wf
STM: ESAtomAxiom wf
STM: ESAtomAxiomTrivial
STM: event-system0 wf
ABS: old_event_system{i:l}()
ABS: e = e'
STM: es-eq-E wf
STM: assert-es-eq-E
STM: decidable es-E equal
ABS: es-LnkTag-deq
STM: es-LnkTag-deq wf
ABS: case(kind(e))act(a) => f(a)rcv(l,tg) => g(l;tg)
STM: es-kindcase wf
ABS: msgtype(m)
STM: es-msgtype wf
STM: es-valtype-kindtype
ABS: state@i\\x
STM: es-state-without wf
STM: es-state-eta
STM: event system-level-subtype
ABS: mk-es0(E;eq;T;V;M;loc;k;v;w;a;snds;sndr;i;f;prd;cl;p;q)
STM: mk-es0 wf
ABS: mk-eval(E;eq;prd;info;oax;T;w;a;sax;V;v)
STM: mk-eval wf
ABS: AtomFreeDecls(X)
STM: EVal-atom-free wf
STM: EVal-to-ES
ABS: EVal_to_ES{i:l}(e,p)
STM: EVal to ES wf
ABS: state when e\\x
STM: es-state-when-without wf
ABS: state after e\\x
STM: es-state-after-without wf
ABS: e c
STM: es-causle wf
STM: es-locl-trans
STM: es-le-trans
STM: es-le-trans2
STM: es-le-trans3
STM: es-index-zero
STM: es-causle-trans
STM: es-causle transitivity
STM: es-le-causle
STM: es-le-total
STM: es-locl-swellfnd
STM: es-causl-wellfnd
STM: es-le-not-locl
STM: es-causal-antireflexive
STM: es-causl-locl
STM: es-causle-le
STM: es-pred-locl
STM: es-le-self
STM: es-pred-le
STM: es-pred-causl
STM: es-sender-causl
STM: es-sender-causle
STM: es-first-implies
STM: es-loc-rcv
STM: es-isrcv-loc
STM: es-hasloc
STM: es-loc-sender
STM: same-sender-index
STM: es-le-iff
STM: es-first-le
STM: es-le-antisymmetric
STM: es-first-unique
STM: es-causl-iff
STM: implies-es-pred
STM: es-le-pred
STM: implies-es-pred2
STM: es-pred-one-one
STM: decidable es-locl
STM: es-next
ABS: e <loc e'
STM: es-bless wf
STM: assert-es-bless
STM: decidable es-le
ABS: es-ble{i:l}(es;e;e')
STM: es-ble wf
STM: assert-es-ble
STM: decidable es-causl
ABS: es-bc{i:l}(es;e;e')
STM: es-bc wf
STM: assert-es-bc
ABS: mval(m)
STM: es-mval wf
STM: es-mval-valtype
STM: es-msg-rcvd
ABS: before(e)
STM: es-before wf
STM: es-before wf2
STM: member-es-before
STM: l before-es-before
STM: l before-es-before-iff
ABS: es-init(es;e)
STM: es-init wf
STM: es-init-le
STM: es-first-init
STM: es-loc-init
ABS: [e, e']
STM: es-interval wf
STM: member-es-interval
STM: l before-es-interval
STM: hd-es-interval
STM: es-interval-non-zero
STM: es-interval-nil
STM: es-interval-is-nil
STM: es-interval-last
STM: es-interval-less
STM: es-interval-less-sq
STM: es-interval-eq
STM: es-interval-eq2
STM: es-interval-length-one-one
STM: es-interval-one-one
STM: es-interval-iseg
STM: es-interval-partition
STM: es-interval-select
STM: es-interval wf2
ABS: haslnk(l;e)
STM: es-haslnk wf
STM: assert-es-haslnk
ABS: rcvs(l;before(e'))
STM: es-rcvs wf
STM: member-es-rcvs
ABS: snds(l;before(e))
STM: es-snds wf
STM: member-es-snds
ABS: snds(l, before(e,n))
STM: es-snds-index wf
STM: member-es-snds-index
STM: firstn-before
STM: es-before-decomp
STM: last-es-snds-index
ABS: emsg(e)
STM: es-msg wf
STM: es-msg wf2
STM: es-msg-member-sends
ABS: msgs(l;before(e'))
STM: es-msgs wf
STM: haslink wf2
STM: member-es-msgs
STM: es-fifo-nil
STM: es-fifo
STM: es-after-pred
STM: decl-state-exists
STM: decl-state-subtype
ABS: @i always.P(x)
STM: alle-at1 wf
ABS: @i always.P(x1;x2)
STM: alle-at2 wf
STM: alle-at-iff
STM: alle-at-not-first
STM: es-invariant1
STM: es-invariant2
STM: es-constant1
STM: existse-at wf
STM: change-lemma
STM: es-first-exists
STM: change-since-init
STM: existse-le wf
STM: existse-before wf
STM: existse-before-iff
STM: decidable existse-before
STM: existse-le-iff
STM: decidable existse-le
STM: alle-ge wf
e<e'. P(e)
STM: alle-lt wf
STM: alle-lt-iff
STM: decidable alle-lt
STM: alle-le wf
STM: alle-le-iff
STM: decidable alle-le
STM: alle-between1 wf
STM: alle-between1-true
STM: alle-between1-false
STM: alle-between1 functionality wrt iff
STM: decidable alle-between1
STM: existse-between1 wf
STM: existse-between1-true
STM: existse-between1-false
STM: existse-between1 functionality wrt iff
STM: decidable existse-between1
STM: alle-between2 wf
STM: alle-between2-true
STM: alle-between2-false
STM: alle-between2 functionality wrt iff
STM: decidable alle-between2
STM: existse-between2 wf
STM: existse-between2-false
STM: existse-between2-true
STM: existse-between2 functionality wrt iff
STM: decidable existse-between2
STM: existse-between3 wf
STM: existse-between3-false
STM: existse-between3-true
STM: existse-between3 functionality wrt iff
STM: decidable existse-between3
STM: es-subinterval
STM: last-change
ABS: e is first@ i s.t. e.P(e)
STM: es-first-at wf
STM: es-first-before
STM: es-first-before2
ABS: es-first-at-since(es;i;e;e.R(e);e.P(e))
STM: es-first-at-since wf
STM: previous-event-exists
STM: es-first-at-since-iff
ABS: es-first-at-since'(es;i;e;e.R(e);e.P(e))
STM: es-first-at-since' wf
e=rcv(l,tg). P(e)
STM: alle-rcv wf
e=rcv(l,tg). P(e)
STM: existse-rcv wf
STM: es-bound-list
STM: es-bound-list2
STM: es-machine-axiom
STM: atom-free-es-kindtype
STM: atom-free-es-Msg
STM: atom-free-es-valtype
STM: atom-free-es-vartype
STM: atom-free-es-state
STM: atom-free-es-state-without
ABS: e receives a
STM: es-rcv-atom wf
ABS: e sends a
STM: es-send-atom wf
ABS: e sends a to i
STM: es-send-atom-to wf
ABS: e leaks x to e'
ABS: e copies x
STM: state-after-pred
STM: implies-es-atom-axiom
ABS: i >> a
STM: es-atom wf
STM: es-copies wf
STM: es-leaks wf
STM: es-atom-axiom
STM: es-atom-lemma1
STM: es-atom-lemma2
ABS: @i stable state.P(state)
STM: es-stable wf
STM: stable-implies
STM: stable-implies2
STM: stable-implies3
STM: stable-implies4
STM: last-state-change
STM: last-state-change2
STM: last-state-change3
ABS: es-frame(es;i;L;x;T)
STM: es-frame wf
STM: es-stable-1
STM: es-stable-2
STM: es-stable-3
STM: es-constant-1
ABS: es-responsive(es;l1;tg1;l2;tg2)
STM: es-responsive wf
STM: es-responsive-bijection
ABS: only k(v):B sends [tg,f(s;v)] : T on l
STM: es-only-sender wf
ABS: @i x has type T
STM: vartype-es-type
STM: vartype-es-state-sub
STM: es-state-subtype
STM: state-after-pred-ds
STM: es-when-first
STM: init-p-implies
ABS: usends1-p(es;ds;k;T;l;tg;B;f)
STM: usends1-p wf
ABS: pre-init1-p(es;i;x;X;x0;a;T;P)
STM: pre-init1-p wf
ABS: weak-precond-send-p(es;T;A;l;tg;a;ds;P;f)
STM: weak-precond-send-p wf
ABS: @i locl(a) occurs once
STM: once-p wf
ABS: locl(a) sends [tg,f{A![](../FONT/dash.png)
T}(x)] on link l once
STM: send-once-p wf
STM: es-interval-induction
STM: es-interval-induction2
ABS: PossibleEvent(poss)
STM: possible-event wf
ABS: pe-es(e)
STM: pe-es wf
ABS: pe-e(p)
STM: pe-e wf
ABS: pe-state(p)
STM: pe-state wf
ABS: pe-loc(p)
STM: pe-loc wf
ABS: K(P)@e
STM: es-knows wf
STM: es-knows-true
STM: es-knows-knows
STM: es-knows-not
STM: es-knows-trans
STM: es-knows-valid
ABS: e1
STM: poss-le wf
STM: es-knows-stable
ABS: e:s.P(s)@j
STM: es-simul wf
ABS: es-decls(es;i;ds;da)
STM: es-decls wf
STM: es-decls-iff
STM: es-decls-join-single
ABS: with decls ds dasends on l from e include f(e) and only these for tags in tgs
STM: es-sends-iff wf
ABS: state dsk:A sends [tg, e.f(e):B] on l
STM: es-kind-sends-iff wf
STM: es-sends-iff functionality
ABS: es-update-iff(es;i;x;ds;e.P(e);s.f(s))
STM: es-update-iff wf
ABS: es-sends-iff2(es;l;tg;B;ds;e.P(e);e.f(e))
STM: es-sends-iff2 wf
STM: es-sends-iff2 functionality
ABS: event-info(ds;da)
STM: event-info wf
ABS: es-info(es;e)
STM: es-info wf
ABS: es-hist{i:l}(es;e1;e2)
STM: es-hist wf
STM: member-es-hist
STM: null-es-hist
STM: es-hist-iseg
STM: es-hist-partition
STM: es-hist-last
STM: last-es-hist
STM: es-hist-is-append
STM: es-hist-is-concat
STM: iseg-es-hist
STM: es-hist-one-one
ABS: es-trans-state-from{i:l}(es;ks;g;z;e1;e2)
STM: es-trans-state-from wf
ABS: e2 = first e
STM: es-first-since wf
STM: es-first-since functionality wrt iff
STM: alle-between1-not-first-since
STM: alle-between2-not-first-since
STM: es-increasing-sequence
STM: es-increasing-sequence2
ABS: [e1;e2]~([a,b].p(a;b))*[a,b].q(a;b)
STM: es-pstar-q wf
STM: es-pstar-q-trivial
STM: es-pstar-q-le
STM: es-pstar-q functionality wrt implies
STM: es-pstar-q functionality wrt rev implies
STM: es-pstar-q functionality wrt iff
STM: es-pstar-q-partition
ABS: [e1,e2]~([a,b].p(a;b))+
STM: es-pplus wf
STM: es-pplus functionality wrt implies
STM: es-pplus functionality wrt rev implies
STM: es-pplus functionality wrt iff
STM: es-pplus-trivial
STM: es-pplus-le
STM: es-pplus-alle-between2
STM: es-pplus-partition
STM: es-pplus-first-since
STM: es-pplus-first-since-exit
ABS: data(T)
STM: data wf
ABS: secret-table(T)
STM: secret-table wf
ABS: ||tab||
STM: st-length wf
ABS: ptr(tab)
STM: st-ptr wf
ABS: st-atom(tab;n)
STM: st-atom wf
ABS: atoms-distinct(tab)
STM: st-atoms-distinct wf
ABS: next(tab)
STM: st-next wf
ABS: key(tab;n)
STM: st-key wf
ABS: data(tab;n)
STM: st-data wf
STM: st-ptr-wf2
ABS: st-lookup(tab;x)
STM: st-lookup wf
STM: st-lookup-property
STM: st-lookup-outl
STM: st-lookup-distinct
ABS: st-key-match(tab;k1;k2)
STM: st-key-match wf
ABS: decrypt(tab;kval)
STM: st-decrypt wf
ABS: encrypt(tab;keyv)
STM: st-encrypt wf
STM: st-length-encrypt
STM: st-atom-encrypt
ABS: ?[x]
STM: cond-to-list wf
ABS: es-secret-server
STM: es-secret-server wf
STM: ss-ptr-non-decreasing
STM: ss-table-length
STM: ss-atom-constant
STM: ss-atoms-distinct
STM: ss-encrypt-unique
ABS: es-seq(es;S)
STM: es-seq wf
STM: send-minimal-lemma
STM: better-send-minimal-lemma